Tim keller fews
Tim keller fews

tim keller fews

So that view is to say, look, for Christians, we believe this but for same sex marriage it shouldn't be a problem because it's not our position to try to legislate Christian morality. We don't make it illegal - as Christians we don't think you should bow down and worship little statues, but we wouldn't want a law out there in America saying it's illegal to worship statues. And when we get there, I will look at your magnificence and say, ‘I always knew you could be like this. Tim always preaches with a non-Christian audience in mind, not merely avoiding offense. I want to partner with you and God in the journey you are taking to his throne. And I do think it would be fair to say, like people more in the Anabaptist tradition, like Duke University and Stan Hauerwas and those folks who would be saying, if you try to make the world like the church you end up making the church like the world. It is to look at another person and get a glimpse of what God is creating, and to say, ‘I see who God is making you, and it excites me I want to be part of that. "This is a good spot to point out something, which is that you can believe homosexuality is a sin and still believe that same-sex marriage should be legal. I hope that clarifies things for those of you who asked about this article. Faith Driven Entrepreneur is an educational. I can see how some readers might be confused at these points in the article and think that I support the legalization of same-sex marriage. As a non-profit ministry we are generously supported by the donations of a few leaders to advance the movement. I was simply reporting on the growth of that view. It is possible to hold that position, though it isn't my position, nor was I promoting or endorsing the position. In explaining the Anabaptist tradition, I was quoted saying, "You can believe homosexuality is a sin and still believe that same-sex marriage should be legal." I did say that-but it was purely a statement of fact. I was present, and I said that I have noted many younger evangelicals are taking an Anabaptist-like position that is, that while they still believe homosexuality to be a sin, they don't think the government should put that belief into law for the nation. A recent article on the Huffington Post reported on a discussion among journalists about how younger evangelicals view the issue of same-sex marriage.

Tim keller fews